以下我们将以托福真经口语2中的部分真题为例探讨一下Task 4的做题技巧。我们要在45秒内读完这篇小短文,45秒过后文章消失后是不会再出现的,因此一定要做好笔记。笔记记什么?首先是题目及学术领域,不管标题中的单词认不认识先记下来;接下来要快速扫读文章找到refers to,referring to, means that, it is, it was, it takes place等类似的信号词,并记下信号词后的信息,即学术术语的名词解释。切记尽量不要照抄原文,因为我们只有45秒,我们还要关注名词解释后面的内容。虽然之后的内容在概括文章时用不到,但是它对我们了解术语,理解后面老师的讲座是很有帮助的。因此我们还要关注namely, that is to say, in another word之类的信号词,进一步搞懂学术概念。如果看完之后你还是一头雾水不知所云也不要着急,因为后面还有for example 或者for instance 之类的实例帮助你理解。
Latent learning
Latent learning is a psychological phenomenon referring to a form if learning in which knowledge is received without immediate awareness. Namely,it is when people learn something in their daily life,but the knowledge is not immediately expressed and may not be available to the conscious mind until specific experiences force this knowledge to be demonstrated.For instance,a child may observe a parent setting the table or tightening a screw,but does not act on this learning for a year.Then suddenly,he finds he knows how to do these things.
这段文章主要就是介绍了Latent learning,大意就是文章的第一句话:
Latent learning is a psychological phenomenon referring to a form if learning in which knowledge is received without immediate awareness.